Thursday, September 27, 2012

Malaysia Combats Illegal Online Gambling, 812 PCs Smashed with Excavator

Authorities in Malaysia are doing everything in their power to put an end to illegal online gambling. In the past period, they seized a total of 4,194 computers on which gambling software had been installed.
According to New Straits Times, Kota Setar district police representatives say that such crimes have tripled in the past year. If last year they conducted 204 operations, in 2012, 708 locations have been raided, many of them being run by legitimate businesses and cyber cafes. 

A number of 812 computers used for illegal online gambling have been crushed with an excavator and buried.

In Malaysia, those found to be in violation of the Common Gaming House Act, Section 4B in particular, face hefty fines and even jail sentences of up to five years.


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