Monday, September 24, 2012

iPhone 5 Units Arriving with Yellow Screens

Early iPhone5 adopters are reporting that their handsets’ displays exhibit a yellowish hue, a problem that has been encountered in the past with the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2.

Lengthy forum threads are actively discussing the matter, with some customers posting comparison shots on the web (displayed above) to show the clear distinction between an iPhone 5 display and the display of the iPhone 4S.

However, the problem is not new. In fact, it has been discussed over and over again, with many customers being told to just weather it out. Apparently, there’s an adhesive between the layers making up the iPhone’s digitizer that needs to fully dry up before colors can display naturally.

Don’t get the wrong idea, though. There’s no official word on this, and if you truly feel there’s a problem with your iPhone 5, it’s perhaps best to just pay your local Apple store a visit.

For example, some customers whose iPhone 4S units exhibited yellow blobs on the screen didn’t see the issue go away.


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