iOS hacker Grant Paul, also known as @chpwn in Twitter circles, has released images of the first jailbroken iPhone 5, complete with a couple of screenshots showing Cydia (the jailbreak alternative to Apple’s App Store) running on the device.
Greeting his 80K+ followers with an intriguing tweet on September 21,chpwn said, “Some people wanted the bottom row of text from Cydia, or a photo of the device itself.”
Embedded in the tweet was the image you see above - the first jailbroken iPhone 5 (that the world knows of). Chpwn then followed up with a couple of screenshots showing Cydia running on the device.
Obviously, chpwn's achievement got the iOS fanbase excited and they now want a release date for the jailbreak. As usual, the hacker will take his time in developing the proper tools that everyone can use hassle free, and without bugs.
For now, all we have is the pictures. But rest assured - it’s going to happen. Anything that presents hackers with even the slightest opportunity to break their previous record is as enticing as a matador’s red cape is to a bull.
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