New owners wait for hours to activate their smartphones at Apple stores
After spending all night on the sidewalk outside Vancouver's downtown Apple store, Peter Levey was first in line for a new iPhone 5 when the doors opened at 8 a.m. Friday.
For Levey and iPhone buyers around the globe, the excitement of the iPhone 5 was little marred by the much-publicized problems over the new Maps app on Apple's new mobile operating system. But as activation systems buckled under the surge of demand, many new iPhone 5 owners waited hours Friday morning to get their phones activated on their wireless networks.
"I think the sudden spike in activations has caused the systems to crash or freeze," said Gary Ng, whose website monitored the iPhone 5 launch across Canada. "People have been telling me they are waiting two hours on hold to activate their phones. I think this is an annual thing, it happens every year, but this year I think it is worse."
In some cases, lineups slowed or stopped as store staff struggle to get through on activation lines.
"People are still in line because the phones can't be activated," Ng said in an inter-view as lines stalled Friday morning. "People are telling me at the Apple stores staff are using pens and paper to jot down names."
Ng said activations are apparently smoother for buyers who pre-ordered their phones through Future Shop and Best Buy.
Levey, who had to get back to the digital photography school he owns on the North Shore to teach a 10 a.m. class, said for previous iPhone releases he had arrived at the store about 4: 30 a.m. to find a long line of people already ahead of him.
He took no chances this year, taking the SeaBus from his North Vancouver home to arrive outside Apple's down-town Vancouver store at 1 a.m. on Friday.
"I've always been 30th or 40th or 50th and you end up waiting until lunchtime so I decided that it's better to get there early," he said. "I know the Apple store here gets a lot so if you're here first you'll get one for sure.
"And who cares about sleep; it's highly overrated."
Levey's experience with Apple is a clear demonstration of how that company's iconic smartphone boosted its consumer appeal and its fortunes. The iPhone 5 will be Levey's fourth iPhone. He started with the iPhone 3, moved up to the iPhone 3G and then the iPhone 4.
"I've always been a PC person but Apple got me on the phone and slowly all the rest happened," he said.
The new iPhone 5 - billed as the thinnest, lightest cellphone ever and with a larger screen than the iPhone 4S - launched initial sales in Canada, the U.S., Europe, Asia and Australia on Friday, with more countries slated for October.
Despite a record two million pre-orders in the first 24 hours when Apple opened its online ordering Sept. 14, lineups were massive in many countries and the demand led the Deutsche Bank to hike its target price on Apple stock to $850 from $775, saying "demand indicators are tracking very strongly."
Ng said Friday's launch, in which no unlocked phones were available for sale at Apple stores, came as a surprise to many buyers.
In previous iPhone releases, buyers had a choice of paying top price for a phone that wasn't locked to a carrier or getting a subsidized price for a phone locked to a wireless carrier.
"I think the issue this time around is that Apple didn't notify anyone they wouldn't be selling unlocked phones in their stores," said Ng.
"That is the issue with most people - they wanted to just pop into a store on launch day and buy the phone right away.
"They didn't know about the new policy and by the time they found out about it, pre-orders had been pushed back to three to four weeks."
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